To provide primary health care services and education in the spirit of the healing ministry of Christ.
Kajiado County is 8,221 sq. miles with a population of 1,378,592 people

The average distance to a health facility is 14.3 km with only 9.9 percent of the population within a distance of less than a kilometer to a health facility.

The founding members of Kilimanjaro Mission Hospital have been serving Kajiado County since 2010. What started out as a medical mission in the summer of 2010 with a crew of about 25 volunteers has continued and grown. In 2013 KMH broke ground and the clinic was finally able to open in 2021! Our number of volunteers has grown tremendously and includes volunteers from all over the world. Partnering with Hands for Health and Rocky Vista University has enabled KMH to bring in medical students and specialists to this much needed region of Kenya.
Since starting this mission in 2010 we have hosted 16 missions and treated around 24,000 people. Since opening the doors of KMH in 2021 we have seen over 4600 patients in the clinic.